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 Bests of Low GI Foods:
 Garbanzo Beans
 O  Cicer arietinum
 O  Fabaceae Family
  Food: Garbanzo Beans
  Glycemic Index Value: 28
Glycemic Index Range:
 Garbanzo beans:
 O  are a good source of fiber
 O  are a good source of zinc and protein
 O  are useful as a meat substitute
 O  contain no cholesterol

 GI Rating of the Breakfast Cereals
 GI Value of Raisin Bran™

  Food Raisin Bran™
  Glycemic Index Value:  
  Glycemic Index Range:
  Low GI foods = GI value less than 55
Medium GI foods = GI value between 55 and 69
High GI foods  = GI value greater than 70

 Food's Personality: Breakfast Cereals

Breakfast Cereals
o Cereal is a breakfast food prepared from grains.
o porridge, gruel, is one of the oldest cereals.
o The first precooked cereal was probably invented in 1863 by James Jackson.
o In 1877, Dr. John Harvey Kellogg created a cereal called granola.
o Corn flake was invented in 1902.
o There is controversy about the high amounts of sugar in breakfast cereals.
o Kasha, a semolina porridge, is popular throughout much of Eastern Europe.
o Salted porridge is a national dish of Scotland.
o Ready Brek is a popular ready-made brand in United Kingdom.
o Mush is a traditional American pudding made from corn meal that is often served fried.
o Pap is a kind of porridge used in a variety of African meals.
o Ful medames, made from cooked and mashed fava beans, is a common breakfast in Egypt.
o Halim, a sweetened wheat porridge, spiced with Cinnamon is a popular breakfast in Kurdistan.

o Top 10 consumed cereals in the United States:
   General Mills Cereal
   General Mills Cinnamon Toast Crunch
   General Mills Honey Nut Cheerios
   General Mills Lucky Charms
   Kellogg's Corn Flakes
   Kellogg's Frosted Flakes
   Kellogg's Frosted Mini Wheats
   Kellogg's Raisin Bran
   Kellogg's Rice Krispies
   Post Honey Bunches of Oats

 Glycemic Value of the other Breakfast Cereals:
All-Bran Fruit 'n Oats™
All-Bran™ high-fiber
Alpen Muesli
Bran Buds™ high-fiber with psyllium fiber
Bran Buds™ high-fiber
Bran Flakes™
Burgen Rye Muesli
Cheerios™ breakfast cereal
Coco Pops/chocolate flavored puffed rice
Corn Chex
Corn Pops™
Cornflakes™ breakfast
Crunchy Nut Cornflakes™ bar
Crunchy Nut Cornflakes™ bar
Froot Loops™ breakfast cereal
Frosties™ breakfast cereal
Golden Grahams™ breakfast cereal
Grapenuts™ Flakes breakfast cereal
Grapenuts™ breakfast cereal
Honey Rice Bubbles™ breakfast cereal
Instant Cream of Wheat™
Just Right™ breakfast cereal
Morning Sun Muesli (Apricot & Almond)
Muesli /fruit and nut
Muesli natural
One Minute Oats/instant porridge
Pop Tarts™ - double choc
Porridge /raw rolled oats
Porridge Oats/traditional
Puffed Wheat breakfast cereal
Quick Oats/instant porridge
Raisin Bran™ breakfast cereal
Rice Bubbles™ breakfast cereal/plain puffed rice
Rice Krispies™ breakfast cereal
Shredded Wheatmeal™ biscuits
Shredded Wheat™ breakfast cereal
Special K™ breakfast cereal
Sustain™ breakfast cereal bar
Sustain™ breakfast cereal
Weetabix™ breakfast cereal/wheat biscuits
 Select Another Food Category:
 Breads  - Beans, Legumes -  Bread Rolls  - Bread Snacks  - Muffins  - Ice Cream, Dessert  - Milk  - Yogurt   - Fruit  - Fruit Juices    Cakes  - Candies  - Cookies  - Crackers  - Pancakes  - Pizza  - Snacks  - Noodles  - Pasta  - Rice    Potatoes
Glycemic Index for Raisin Bran™ , GI Value of Raisin Bran™  Glycemic Response to Raisin Bran™ , Effect of Carbs in Raisin Bran™  on Blood Glucose, Glycemic Index Information for all Types of Raisin Bran™ , Nutritional value of Raisin Bran™
,Glycaemic Index Foods ,Glycaemic Diet ,Glycaemic Index List ,Gi Diet ,Glycaemic Index Food Lists ,Complete Glycaemic Index ,Glycemic Index Table ,Glycemic Index Listing ,Diabetes Glycaemic Index ,Online Glycaemic Index ,Glycemic Index Alcohol ,Free Glycemic Index Lists ,Diet Book for Glycaemic Index ,Carbohydrate Glycaemic Index ,Explain Glycaemic Index ,Low Glycemic Food Chart List ,Glycogen Phosphorylase ,Glycemic Index Food Ratings ,Glycaemic Index of HoneyFit for Life diet -
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